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We represent and develop franchises in order to expand your business without involving considerable amounts of capital and leveraging your business both in financial aspects and in the knowledge and expertise of the business between franchisors and franchisees.

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We seek and restructure national and international financing to expand your company or business, as well as give it continuity in its business.

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We support your Softlanding (soft landing) when you want to make an expansion or investment abroad and market your products or services, for this we carry out the necessary legal, operational, financial and administrative steps, as well as the search for information, market analysis, investment processes, customs, among others and in this way we increase the chances of success in your incursion.

Corporate events
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We develop and manage all kinds of internal and external events for your organization.

Strategic planning
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We develop, execute and supervise strategic plans with a national and international profile.

International Trade and Trading
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We develop, execute and supervise strategic plans with a national and international profile.

Permit Advice
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We advise and manage all kinds of permits so that an organization can operate in the national and international market.

Sales and Purchases of Companies or Stock Packages
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We advise on the sale and purchase of companies in the national and international market.

Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures
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We are looking for partners, buyers and purchasing opportunities and alliances of companies and businesses in Chile and throughout the world.

Community Manager
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We advise and manage the social networks of all types of companies.

Competence Certifications
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VYA has its own model for raising positions and profiles and an evaluation and certification model.
We design a model that transcends organizations and positions.
36 years of experience working in Training and Training with different industries.
14 years of experience working in Accreditation and Certification of Competencies in the following industries.
Construction, more than 54 construction companies nationwide, we have more than 3,000 certified workers in 17 different profiles.
Mining, more than 2,000 certified workers in companies such as Minera Centinela, Manto Verde, Manto Blanco, Codelco, Cap and Collahuasi.
Electrical Generation, more than 200 certified workers in Guacolda and Bocamina.
In the last 3 years trained more than 500

Head-Hunter, Reclutamiento y Selección de Personal

Formación, Entrenamiento, Desarrollo y Capacitación
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¿Deseas mejorar los indicadores de gestión y desempeño de tu empresa? Como sabes, para lograr esto, es clave impactar distintos elementos estratégicos de tu empresa.
Seguir usando la misma fórmula de hace 20 años para resolver las problemáticas actuales no logra el impacto en estos indicadores. Por el contrario, estas actividades tradicionales realizadas de forma aislada pueden ser poco productivas y de bajo impacto.
Nuestras intervenciones son soluciones de alto impacto, diseñadas especialmente para que logres mejores resultados.

Accounting, Tax Advice, Financial, Legal, Labour, Commercial, Logistics, IT, HR and Operations
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We diagnose, solve, manage and follow up on the different areas problems of a company that leads us to a real solution to their current pains and illnesses.