1. Real Estate Investments in Argentina, Paraguay, Panama, Puerto Rico, Spain, Colombia, Miami, Chile
  2. Search for an investment partner for an urban mobility company
  3. Exportable offer of Chilean, Argentine, Spanish and Italian wines
  4. Export of public transport vehicles from Chile
  5. Sale of productive fields in Argentina, Paraguay and Chile
  6. Sale of soybean plants in Argentina
  7. Sale of photovoltaic plant in Chile
  8. Search for a business partner for Latin America for Universidad de España
  9. Sale of photovoltaic energy project in Chile
  10. Search for a business partner in Latin America for English platform
  11. Financing of investment funds from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Panama, Spain, Peru and Chile
  12. Sale of agro-industrial companies in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Chile
  13. Investor search for start-ups
  14. Sale of hydroelectric power plants
  15. Sale of hotels in Latin America and purchase in Europe
  16. Sale of modular construction, telecommunications, metalworking companies
  17. Sale of mines and search for mining belongings
  18. Financing for NCRE projects
  19. Availability of various franchises
  20. Trading of minerals, agricultural products, machinery, parts and inputs