- Real Estate Investments in Argentina, Paraguay, Panama, Puerto Rico, Spain, Colombia, Miami, Chile
- Search for an investment partner for an urban mobility company
- Exportable offer of Chilean, Argentine, Spanish and Italian wines
- Export of public transport vehicles from Chile
- Sale of productive fields in Argentina, Paraguay and Chile
- Sale of soybean plants in Argentina
- Sale of photovoltaic plant in Chile
- Search for a business partner for Latin America for Universidad de España
- Sale of photovoltaic energy project in Chile
- Search for a business partner in Latin America for English platform
- Financing of investment funds from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Panama, Spain, Peru and Chile
- Sale of agro-industrial companies in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Chile
- Investor search for start-ups
- Sale of hydroelectric power plants
- Sale of hotels in Latin America and purchase in Europe
- Sale of modular construction, telecommunications, metalworking companies
- Sale of mines and search for mining belongings
- Financing for NCRE projects
- Availability of various franchises
- Trading of minerals, agricultural products, machinery, parts and inputs